Learn About Time – Printable Clock Template

Paper clock to learn about time

Learn about time with our printable clock template. This clear and simple paper clock will help your little one learn how to tell the time in no time!

A while ago we shared a cute paper watch template for our young learners. That was kind of an introductory time learning activity. 

It was designed to get kids excited about the time, clocks and watches of all sorts. (And judging by how popular it was with Ula’s kids, we’re guessing our goal was achieved.) But it was not meant to actually teach the kids to read the time. 

Well, today we are adding to that activity with a time teaching accessory. Its purpose is exactly what you think it is – to help kids learn how to tell the time.

How to Teach Kids to Tell the Time

As they explain over at mathgenie, there are quite a few skills involved in the ability to read a clock.


To be able to read the analog clock and fully understand the concept of time, a child must be able to:

  • Count to 60
  • Count by 5
  • Understand the concepts of time (differentiate between morning, afternoon etc. and associate time with different parts of the day)

Is Your Child Old Enough to Learn to Tell the Time

The age of when your child is old enough to learn to tell the time depends on their individual development. Some children learn very early on, while others don’t fully grasp the concept until they are 7 or 8 years old.


Even if your child doesn’t have all the skills listed above yet, it doesn’t mean you can’t start introducing them to reading time. 


Start with reading the hour hands of the clock. Then slowly introduce the concept of half past, quarter past and so on.


In any case, go at your child’s pace. Even if they don’t actually learn to tell the time right away, making a paper clock will be a fun and beneficial activity.


No matter how old your child is, making a paper clock is a perfect activity to help them learn about time. And this is where our printable paper clock template comes in!

A simple DIY for a paper clock

How to Make a Printable Clock

This is pretty straightforward, but I’ll walk you through just in case.


To make your paper clock, you will need our printable paper clock template (download it from our members’ library), scissors and a brad paper fastener.


First print out the template (preferably on cardstock to make it sturdier). Cut out the pieces. Using your scissors, make holes on the marks of the hands and in the center of the clock face.


Assemble the clock using the brad paper fastener.


And you are done!

Learn about time with paper clock

Next time your little one asks you if they can watch cartoons for 5 more minutes, have them show that on their paper clock. And let them watch those 5 minutes of cartoons as a reward!

Don’t forget to have a look at our printable paper watch craft. It’s the perfect accessory for when you’re learning about time.

DIY paper clock template
Paper clock free printable template

Download our free Learn about time – printable clock template.

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